scott's xmas 031

My writing’s been published in a bunch of places over the past 15+ years. In addition to the books Dear Al-Qaeda: Letters to the World’s Most Notorious Terror Organization (Black Ocean 2006) and Nation Full of Caesars (Eye For An Iris, 2004), my non-fiction has appeared at Collapse Board, The Fanzine, Ablaze!, Clash Music, Boston’s Weekly Dig, and some other places I’m probably forgetting at the moment–15 years is a long time. I spent the last several years working on a critical biography about the B-52s that is scheduled to come out early next year on Palgrave Macmillan.

I appeared in a BBC radio documentary about Nirvana, and I also played (a very minor role) in this band Tunabunny, that’s been talked about by NPR, MTV, The Quietus, and a bunch of other cool places. And oh yeah, I once sang karaoke to 40,000 people in Chicago and provoked 30,000 of them into booing me before they cut my microphone.

I’ve written a bunch of other books that haven’t been published, so either I’m not as good a writer as I think I am, or my style is at odds w/the marketplace. Or both. It could be both. Anyway, poke around and see if there’s something you like. Send me your thoughts at I’m always interested in people’s thoughts.

Oh, one last thing I should mention–my last name is pronounced with a short e, so it sounds like ‘Penny.’ I understand this is inconsistent with the rules we learned in elementary school regarding vowel/consonant placement, but you can blame my distant fugitive (possibly drunk, probably violent) Irish ancestor who changed it from Carney for reasons that are lost to time.

1 Response to

  1. Martha Befriends Squirrels says:

    I’ve just compiled an extensive list of people who care what you wrote and when. Here is that list:


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